I think I’ve found one of my favourite places close to Melbourne! I spent the weekend exploring the Dandenong Ranges in October, and I can’t wait to go back.
(more…)Category: Photos
Month 3 review
Three months down! October in Melbourne means spring is in full swing. I am compulsively checking the weather before I leave the door in the morning, and unless it’s going to be 100% sunny, my rain coat is coming in my bag. This methodology has only (almost) failed me once – there was a surprise thunderstorm at lunch time. Luckily, I wasn’t slotted for duty that day!
(more…)Asking for help – who knew?
I spent the first two weeks of term four filing in for a teacher while they were away. It was a nice change of pace to be with the same groups of students for more than a day!
(more…)The Top End: Odds and ends
You didn’t think that was it, did you?? Here is some bonus content for you from my trip:
(more…)The Top End: Day 6
Today was the day I explored Darwin. I had to carry around my bags with me all day. Let me tell you – I was glad to have packed light!
(more…)The Top End: Day 5
Our final day of the tour arrived so quickly! Although it was the end, we went out with a bang. Today was a day of watering holes. We hiked and sampled at least five locations, but my count could be off.
(more…)The Top End: Day 3
Today we had a “slower” morning – only leaving at 7:45. We spent some time in Jabiru while some tour members went on a scenic flight. In town, we got to stop at a coffee shop, so you know I got a cold brew. Then we got to see the interpretive centre for Kakadu National Park, and learn a little more about the flora and fauna of the area, as well as the geologic history. They had a large (~4×6′) map of Kakadu showing the topographic features in 3D, so I spent quite bit of time identifying the route we had hiked the day before.
(more…)The Top End: Day 2
Today was the day we hiked! We had an early morning, and were on the road by 6:30 am to Jim Jim Falls. There was a 20 minute track that required 4WD before reaching the parking area. We packed wraps for lunch and lots of water because it was going to be HOT. And hot it was, peaking at 37°C at the local meteorological station. By 9 am, it was already 28°C, so I made sure to drink plenty of electrolytes!
Before we got to the 4WD track, we were on a dirt road. On our drive I noticed a couple peculiar sights:
(more…)Month 2 review
Somehow, it’s been two months in Australia! Many more new things this month, but as I was writing this, I was listening to The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green and he shared a quote that I think summarizes September well:
Don’t just do something, stand there.