It’s been a second since I’ve written one of these! September, September, where have you gone?
New words:
Pokies is Aussie for VLT machines (because you poke them??)
- “Serves” is how the number of servings on packages and in the food guide are labelled
- Instead of saying “how are you doing”, we say “how are you going” and this one is rubbing off on me, I’ve caught myself saying it without that part of my brain saying ‘you want to fit in’… I’m converting!!
- It’s not a can koozie, it’s a stubby holder
- I learned that Colesnotes is a Canadian thing! I used the phrase and was asked “who’s Cole?”
- Soz (rhymes with pose) is used when “sorry” is too long
- “Top” instead of high for the temperature
Things I’ve noticed:
- Pet linen washers at laundromats are the norm
- Pedestrian crossings aren’t completely synchronous to the traffic lights, sometimes they start a second before or after the cars get to go. And on the topic of pedestrian crossings, if you get to one with a button to activate and it isn’t green to let you cross but the cars are going, you can push the button and sometimes it will turn green right away, instead of having to wait for the next light cycle. Great feature in my books!
How I went in September:
I visited SeaWorks Maritime Museum and learned a little more about Williamstown’s history. We used to have convict hulls floating in the bay I walk by every morning!
The sunrises have been top tier, so I’ve been catching as many as I can.
I visited the “Joy” exhibit at the Immigration Museum, and got to absorb several artists’ renditions of the emotion. My favourite was a replica video rental store, and the idea that we will never know that kind of procedure again, so we should appreciate the moment of time we are in.
A day trip to Geelong, with a walk around the shore and a disappointingly thin milkshake (because thick shakes are the thing to order, but I forgot ☹️)
I got swooped! The magpies finally got to me. It’s breeding season and they are all a little wonky. I passed by one being a little squeaky next to the sidewalk, and next thing I know I got dive bombed in the back of the head. Not ideal, but I lived to tell the tale! One step closer to becoming a card-carrying Aussie, I guess.
Another round of school holidays, too! This time, Sydney and I tackled the Stuart Highway, road tripping down from Darwin to Adelaide. More on that soon (hopefully!).
See you soon!
Oh dear about the magpie lol, don’t they deal with those things like we do on the farm?!? 🤣 Love all the pictures!!
What is a convict hull?? Sounds intriguing. I think you need a helmet to keep the magpies away. Or better yet, a hat with a face on the back to scare the magpies away. 🤣