Whaddup, October has come and gone. Halloween is FAR from taking hold down under, making November 1 a regular teaching day (sorry, my Canadian counter parts!). This month felt FULL of activities with my friends, from coming home from our Stuart Highway trip (3600 km in 9 days!) with Sydney, to finishing up term 2 courses and celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving with all the Canucks down under.
(more…)Tag: Month Reviews
Month 14 Review
It’s been a second since I’ve written one of these! September, September, where have you gone?
(more…)Month 10 Review
Yes, I know May has come and gone, but somehow life is creeping by! 10 months down – and then some, now that this draft is finally making it out into the wild.
(more…)Month 9 Review
Only a baby post to wrap up April, probably because I was only home for 10 nights of the whole thing – this girl’s been making tracks! My time in Australia is going faster than ever, and here I am trying to soak up every single second.
(more…)Month 8 Review
Coming at you closer to the end of April than the beginning, but I’m 8 months down! Read on if you what to know what kept me busy in March…
(more…)Month 7 Review
It’s officially Autumn in Australia, which means that February has come and gone and we are one month deeper into my big adventure!
(more…)Month 6 Review
The halfway point of my time in Australia has come and gone (or has it??) and I’m still loving it. I honest to goodness don’t know where the time is going. I am head over heels for Australia, and soaking up every second. Month 6 was a busy one, with summer break in full swing, a visit from Mom and Dad, and a trip to Sydney!
(more…)Month 5 review
Happy new year! Five months in now, and I’m continuing to try and learn new things: more driving, a trip to Tasmania, and accepting a position for the new school year teaching foods.
(more…)Month 4 review
November has come and gone in the blink of an eye! It was a less busy month for work, between Melbourne Cup day and my trip to the Whitsundays I was basically working part-time, with only two full weeks of work over the course of the month.
(more…)Month 3 review
Three months down! October in Melbourne means spring is in full swing. I am compulsively checking the weather before I leave the door in the morning, and unless it’s going to be 100% sunny, my rain coat is coming in my bag. This methodology has only (almost) failed me once – there was a surprise thunderstorm at lunch time. Luckily, I wasn’t slotted for duty that day!